Best treats for your dog

Healthy treats for your god that you already have in your house? Of course! You don’t need to go to the pet store anymore, many fruits and vegetables make wonderful treats for dogs. There are a lot of dog treats that are not exactly the best option for your dog, because they are high fat and filled with artificial preservatives. If you’re concerned about your dog’s weight or just looking for a healthier alternative, check out these 6 healthy dog treats.

  • Cooked lean meat

If you need high reward dog treats for training when you really need to command their attention, try some lean meat. Plain, boiled chicken breast with no oil or seasoning can be suitable, cutting up into very small pieces around the size of your little finger nail works best. In addition to being gentle on most stomachs, chicken is filled with omega-6 fatty acids which help to promote healthy skin and coat. 

  • Your dog’s dinner

Your dog’s regular dry food can make a great healthy dog treat. This is a good choice for overweight dogs on low fat diets, or other pets that are on special diets for underlying health problems. Measure out a portion of their daily ration and keep this in a pot to use for training treats that day. 

  • Peanut butter

You must never feed a dog peanut butter that contains salt, sugar or artificial sweeteners. However, a spoonful of unsweetened peanut butter without any additives can make a great dog treat for training in moderation. Peanut butter is actually a good source of protein and it’s full of vitamins and nutrients.

  • Pumpkin

This may surprise you but pumpkin isn’t just delicious for humans, it also makes an excellent healthy dog treat too! Pumpkin is full of fibre and vitamins for a shiny coat. You can use the cooked flesh of fresh pumpkins as a seasonal treat. It’s perfect for Halloween when there’s lots of leftovers from pumpkin carving! 

  • Apple Slices

Apple slices can make a tasty dog treat for training. Aside from being deliciously crunchy, apple can help to clean the residue off your dog’s teeth and freshen their breath! The apples should be sliced small to avoid choking, and only fed in moderation due to the sugar content.

  • Fresh vegetables

There are a number of fresh vegetables which can be used as dog treats. Carrots, green beans and broccoli are all suitable choices but be careful as chunks of raw vegetables can get lodged in your dog’s oesophagus or further down the digestive system, especially if they gulp rather than chew, but be careful, don’t give too many fresh vegetables as they may cause tummy issues such as loose stools and flatulence. 

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